Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More of the same with more

Since my last letter to you I have had a series of ups and downs. I am sorry that I have been out of touch for so long. Immediately after my transplant I had a few significant negative reactions. First I became really lethargic. It was hard to get motivated for anything. I was extremely tired and seemed to be very nauseous at the very thought of food. My appetite went to nothing and I have been losing a pound or two a day ever since. Another major thing that happened was my genital region began to swell and hurt really bad. They told me that this was a bad reaction that they have seen happen to people, and though it is not very common it does happen and will subside and go away within a few weeks. This was not good news at all. I was having a hard time understanding how I was going to deal with it for a day or two, let alone a week or a few weeks! But as time went by I slowly got used to it.
As you probably remember, I was last complaining about the room that I was staying in. Well ironically the last couple of days that I was in the hospital they moved the entire floor to much nicer digs, the new rooms are as nice as the rooms in Altamonte. The room was huge with hard wood floors and a big bathroom. It had all the amenities including a view. However, like I said it was my last day or so, so I was moving on to the nice apartment with Tracy, which was fine with me.
Since my days at the apartment I have been on a huge regiment of pills and daily medication outpatient treatments. I am beginning to realize exactly how long and drawn out this process actually is. I have been taking comfort in the little things in life, close friends and family coming to visit or keeping in touch through phone calls. I enjoy the good reports from the doctors, like just today they told me that my Graft vs. Host disease is only at a level one which is great since they do want some GVHD to help kill the remaining cancer cells. They tell me that so far all of the negative responses are only temporary and will go away with time.


  1. Thanks for the update Rick!! Hang in there :)

  2. Sounds like your hanging in there! Very happy to hear the update. Been thinking about you alot. Take care and luv ya
