Monday, February 9, 2009

The waiting....

I have found it harder to sleep here than any other hospital or hospital room that I have ever stayed at in the past. Because of the constant tired I might have a hard time writing as much as I would like to write.

Days here have become very uneventful since the transplant. This was not unexpected as the doctors here seem to have an exact idea of when I will start getting sick. They seem to have a cookie cutter approach with all of the patients here and we are all on the same feel good / feel bad schedule. I must say it is a little surreal comparing sick notes in the hall with other patients. But I guess it makes sense because we are all here for the same reason.

There is a big calendar on the wall of my room that has all of my treatment days, blood counts and count down to sickness. Apparently I get one more dose of chemo tomorrow and then the following days will be the down sick days. Until then it's just a lot of sitting around and waiting...


  1. Luv ya! To pass the time, slap my sister around for me! (Just kidding) Hang in there!

  2. Hey Rick look on the bright side....the waiting and uneventful days are good days :) I appreciate the updates and even if you just said "I'm ok" we would all be happy to hear that!!

  3. Sorry..., been firgin around. Not No. 1 anymore (pffft). :0B
