Sunday, February 15, 2009

One day at a time

I apologize for the delay in writing on this blog. This process is much harder than I originally anticipated. In fact, I don't think it is possible to anticipate the things that have happened over the past week or so.

As I am writing this I am fighting off sleep from the pain medication that they have on constant flow. I will go into more detail when I am awake and doing better. Just know for now that I am do as well as can be expected and it looks like my exit date from the hospital will be around the 23rd.


  1. i check your blog a few times a day to see if there's any new news... praying for you, cuz. You're gonna get through the worst of it real soon. Love ya!

  2. Glad to hear from you Riiiiiichard! I want you to know that your courage and strength is an amazing testament to the human spirit and an example to us all! Hang in there...

    Also, for being on a constant flow of pain meds., you worded your blog well. =>

  3. Glad to hear you are hangin in there. You never underestimate the power of "positive additude". My Daughter really wants to make you another CD. She's having a harder time finding songs she thinks are "appropriate"...
    We are all praying you feel better very soon.

  4. Hang in there Rick, I look forward to your updates; even if its just a few sentences. Hoping for the best.
