Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 6...

Today has consisted of small intervals of reality peaking in on me. The nurse tells me that my feet are burning because of a reaction to one of the chemo therapies. They keep giving me drugs, anti-this and anti- that but these drugs see to just keep me in an uncomfortable state of being. Sleep comes but not for long. Soon someone is at the door or on the phone to disturb.

My uncle and my grandmother came to visit me today and brought me lunch. This was a very sweet gesture and I appreciated it greatly. Unfortunately I slept through most of their visit. I apologize for the lack of substance in this particular blog. Sometimes it is difficult to find words.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to post your updates- I'm checking your blog daily!

  2. whatever you write is great, rick. You're on my mind every day!! love you cuz!
