Wednesday, February 11, 2009

rough night

Rough night last night. My mouth is beginning to get really sore from the chemo and it kept me awakefor part of the night. When I finally told the nurse she gave me adavan and some pain killers. Thid helped but dropped my blood preasure to 76/53 which is really low. So now I'm on IV fluids to bring my preasure back up to normal range.


  1. hey buddy, finally got on, yea! Sorry to hear you had a rough night, hope your feeling better. Wishing you all the best. Is there anyway to send you something, I read about not finding a book you like, thought I might have some you would like.

  2. wow, sounds like a rough road ahead of you. please know that we are all with you. let tracy know if i can be of assistance with ANYTHING!!! your blogs intrigue me and i can't wait to see how you're doing each and every day. i can't wait for the day when i read that you'll be coming home! we all miss you and are thinking of you. talk soon..pat <3
