Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, I thought since I have a few minutes in this early hour of restless sleep that I would give a quick update. It seems that a lot of this is wait and see. So far since I have been out of the hospital, I have have not had as much trouble with this as I thought I would. I don't delusion myself into thinking that there is not more to come as I'm sure there is more to come. This, like I've said before is a long process of the unknown. The doctors and nurses don't even fully know what to expect.

I know that I have and 8 out of 10 match, one of the matches is such a low miss match that they don't even look at it as important. Most of my side effects so far have been from the side effects from the drugs. But it is nothing that I can't handle for now. I know better than anyone though how quickly this could turn ugly so I bide my time and do everything they tell me to the best of my ability.

I still maintain that finding the lighter side of things and laughing about something every day helps the over all process. I hope this letter finds you and your families well and I just want you to know that I promise more to come with more interesting subjects regarding the process as time develops and I get to the point of feeling well enough to write more.

Thank you all for your continued support. This has been a hard process but one battle at a time one day at a time and one day I will be able to start my new life all over again with great new possibilities and a very strong happy future with my family friends and loved ones.




  1. Hey Buddy,
    Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you!

  2. hey cuz, i'm thinking about you all the time! Any updates to share?? How are you feeling? Sending LOTS of love from NYC!

  3. Hey, I hope your feeling great............but something is wrong here, someone is slackin on the updates!

    Luv ya all and miss ya bunches
    Your sissy la-la
